In a heartbreaking turn of events, a resident of Umuagu Ibeku, Chimaobi Agah is desperately seeking help after a tricycle operator disappeared with his four children on their way to school.
The incident unfolded on Monday, November 27, leaving the father, originally from Amasiri, Ebonyi State, devastated.
Agah, who was away in Enugu State for work, entrusted the tricycle driver with the transportation of his four children, aged eight, one, four, and a year and a half.
In a gut-wrenching viral video, Agah, visibly distraught, shared the harrowing details of the disappearance.
He explained that his wife, in his absence, had arranged for the tricycle to take their children to their school in Nkwoegwu community, located on the outskirts of Umuahia.
Living near the State Criminal Investigative Department CID station, the Agah family had believed their children were safe commuting to school.
However, when the children failed to return home in the afternoon, panic set in. Agah’s wife discovered that the kids had never arrived at school, prompting her to inform her husband.
Upon his return on Tuesday morning, Agah initiated a search for his missing children with the assistance of four police officers. Despite their efforts, the whereabouts of the children remained elusive.
Agah reported the incident to both the police and the State Broadcasting Corporation, yet there has been no breakthrough in locating the children.
Desperation marked Agah’s plea as he implored the public for assistance in rescuing his beloved children. In the emotional video, he shared his anguish, saying, “Please, I need my four children rescued.”
The distressed father, providing his contact number (07057279866), urged anyone with valuable information regarding the missing children to come forward.
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