
OPINION : Odugbose: A miraculous Evangelist Who Restored Sights Retires @70

Forty-one years ago, the retiring miracle-performer Jonah Olukayode Odugbose was a taxi driver plying Airport road from his Oworonsoki house to other destinations in and around Lagos State.

Olukayode, in his quest for survival, having stayed with several families members and friends in places like Sapele and Mamu in old Western Region “decided to return to Lagos”.

Though, not an atheist, Olukayde wouldn’t identify with any religious doctrines be it Islamic, Christianity or Traditional.

Suddenly, the agile, hardworking and promising young man who focused keenly on becoming a great achiever as well as taking his siblings into limelight had a confusing encounter while on the wheels sometimes in 1983 as introduced at the beginning of this piece.

It was a voice which portrayed itself as that which was from the only true God who creates heavens and the earth. The voice wanted “to use Olukayode as a vessel”.

Being who he was as free thinker, he thought he was being insane until the following morning, about to set on his “routine” when the voice came calling again, saying “do not go to work, I want to send you an errand to my people; preach to them just as I will instruct you”.

Olukayode, who at the time was driving his personal taxi cab “left his car, and walked down the road to the flyover bridge (third mainland bridge) which terminates at (his) street, Oworonshoki road in Lagos state.

“As (he) was walking down the road, (he) saw someone who said, “I will take you to where you should be one day”, after the conversation”, Olukayode couldn’t find the person, so he returned home. 

The next day which was a Sunday, he had a dream that night.  An angel appeared in his dream, told him to follow him. 

“The angel took me through a narrow road that led to a gate, written on the signpost was “The Apostolic Church”, I tried to follow him but he resisted, saying I should return to where I was coming from. I was interested in getting through the gate because I saw that it was a beauty to Behold; it was like a city laced with shiny gold. I woke up from the dream and had another dream the same night where I got an instruction to go locate the church I saw on the signpost”, Olukayode recalled.

When he got up on that fateful Sunday morning, trying  to locate the church he saw in his dream, there were so many churches on his way down the road.

Infact, he said he “got attracted to a CAC which was closer to” his “house but he got a prompt in his spirit, saying, “this is not the place”. Fortunately, he later located The Apostolic Church down the street; “a swampy area from where a man walked up to me and took me inside the church premises. Since that day, I haven’t  see the man again.

Olukayode recounts further that during that service, he became a channel of prophecy, some of the members were staring at him, asking who is this stranger prophesying while some were writing down the prophecy. 

“While the service was over, I could not locate the exit door”, Olukayode stated, “it was as if my eyes were shut. I wanted to urinate. I could not find my way out to the point that I passed my waste at the back of the church.  I had to remain in the church till the next Sunday. By that time, I became weak to the point of not been able to utter a word.

“When some members saw that I was emaciated and dehydrated, Overseer Osho, Presiding Elder Makinde, Deacon Makinde and Worker Akinbode (the then Assembly student pastor) quickly resuscitated me and took me home. On getting to my house, everyone thought I was just returning from prison, they took to their heels and ran off, some closed their windows and doors. Those who who me home prayed with me and also helped me fetched water to freshen up before leaving me to sort myself.

“After all these experiences, I resumed my work but while I’m at it, I kept dreaming of seeing myself preaching, prophesying, jingling bells, and miracles happening everywhere around me. I returned back to church, after 2 months I was referred to Apeleyin Assembly where now Pastor P.F Usman was the assembly pastor. I was active at the Assembly and serving as a channel through which God visited and settled several individuals and family via prayers, prophesy and home visitations”.

When it was time for his full time ministerial assignment, after all he described as preparatory guides via series of dreams, God spoke to him again after three months. 

Olukayode was told to leave Lagos to a place God would show him while he was asked to leave every other things behind except briefcase, gas-stove, pressing iron, few clothes and a shoe.

“On a Sunday, I drove down to IJEBU-ODE, even though I saw Apostolic Faith Church along the way, I determined to  locate The Apostolic Church at all cost, fortunately, in no time, I got to Ijebu-Ode District Headquarters, Molipa street where I met Late Pastor J.O Ajayi and I was lodged in a small visitor’s room after I explained my encounter and instructions. I was taken to several neighbouring rural evangelism and God used me so greatly. One of the memorable experiences was meeting the Apena (Chief) of Ibefun along the Ikorodu axis. How he gave his life to Christ amongst many other miracles and divine encounters will be detailed in the nearest future.

“The Area Superintendent of Remo Area, Ikenne (Late Pastor J.B Adeyemi) got the information of what God was doing through my ministrations and he came down to Ijebu-Ode. He gave me right hand of fellowship on 2nd December, 1984. 

“I was later transferred to Ago- Iwoye Assembly (Pastor Adeosun), and God did a lot of wonders through my ministrations at Ago-Iwoye. 

“After a while, I was redeployed to the Area Headquarters, Ikenne Remo. During the interview, Late Pastor J.B Adeyemi got to know that my late father was his friend and classmate. He noted that my father was supposed to answer God’s call to be a minister of the gospel. 

“In 1986, I was transferred to Ilishan Remo to start up a new Assembly. On a Sunday evening, Sister Julianah Ajao, Mr Idowu Adeyemi and I were on an evangelism outreach with our megaphone, a lot of people gave their lives to Christ, several miracles, signs and wonders were wrought in our presence, people asked us to pray for their sick people in their various apartments.  

“Of memory was a story of a man called Baba Kitoyi, who was blind and a lady called Oyin née sowunmi, his daughter who took us to him. When we prayed for him, God restored his sight and he gave us one of his shop in which we started worshiping. He later gave us a piece of land to build the Church Auditorium and Mission House. 

“From iIlishan, God’s word spreads to neighbouring areas like Ipara, Ilara, Ode, Ishara, Iperu, Irolu etc. God is indeed faithful and I’m grateful, in all, I spent 16 years at Ilishan-Remo. 

“On the 19th day of December ,1987, God blessed me with my beautiful wife, Esther Olusola and our marriage was blessed with loving children. My wife and I attended Seminary Studies together from 1988 to 1990. Then, in 1991, I was ordained a Pastor. By 1992, at Ilishan-Remo, I became Sectional Pastor and Remo Area Evangelist in 1995 respectively.


“I attempted to seek more knowledge by attending Life Bible College, Ikorodu in 1998 but I couldn’t complete it. That’s a lot to talk about too.

“Two years after, in the year 2020, I was transferred to Aiyetuju Amuro as the Area Evangelist, presided over the Odo-Eri Assembly. A lot of ministerial administrative turmoil happened while I was posted under Late Pastor J. O Ajayi (who was my IJEBU-ODE District pastor) but Jesus was glorified. I was sent to Areas like Kano Area, Jos Area, Minna Area, Oke Igbogi, Oke Iro for pre-convention revivals.


“In 2005, I was transferred to Abaji District, Abuja Area, as the District Pastor and Abuja FCT Area Evangelist. God’s word spreads like fire into surrounding unreached rural indigenous villages like Pandagi-bako etc. Abaji District was later carved out of Gwagwalada Area and to the glory of God, I served as Gwagwalada Area Evangelist. 

“Seven years later, in 2013, I was transferred to Prayer House Assembly as Assembly Pastor. Three months after, I was redeployed  to Lokongoma Assembly as the First District Pastor and Lokoja Area Evangelist. To God be the Glory for the lives reached and impacted positively and Church Development Projects successfully initiated and those completed prior to the recommendation and inauguration of Lokongoma Area today.

“In another seven years (2020), I was transferred to Felele District as the pioneer District Pastor and Lokoja Area Evangelist consecutively. The numerous work that God Himself did at Lokoja prior to my transfer from the District is still marvelous in my sight. 

“In October 4, 2021, I was transferred to Ope-Ilu District as the District Pastor and Iju Area Evangelist. 

“By 2022, I was ordained as Apostle in the Body of Christ according to God’s injunction through the leader of the Church. And since then till my resignation (July 1, 2024) from active full-time ministry in The Apostolic Church Nigeria, God is still faithful”. 

True to a Divine directive that he should retire at age seventy, he said, “I got the instruction from the Lord to retire at age 70 from active service in TACN and that I will return to Lagos by that time which happened exactly as I got the revelation before I began my ministerial journey”. 

It now calls for jubilation and merry making, the winding down of a forty-year Divine calling in Deliverance -packed Evangelism of Pastor Jonah, the once known taxi driver, Olukayode Odugbose alongside his non resilient, gifted, prayer warrior – wife, who, in addition to supporting her husband’s ministry also served in the public service and retired as a registered nursing/midwife matron. 


Evangelist Jonah said “The Church had several deliberations this year about agreed unified resignation age both at National and Territorial level. Of note is the awareness of God’s injunction, at the AREA EVANGELISTS SEMINAR IN LAGOS, through a prophetic channel (which I got to know, happened to be myself) during the tenure of Late Pastor S.S Jemigbon (then LAWNA TERRITORY CHAIRMAN) that emphasizes minister’s retirement, welfare and the welfare of the family of ministers called to glory while in active service”.

The official programme for Evangelist Odugbose’s retirement to be witnessed by family members, friends and well wishers is scheduled to take place at The Apostolic Church, Nigeria, Ope Ilu District Centre, Iju Area, LAWNA Territory on Saturday, 22nd day of June, 2024 by 10:00am.

Summarising his journey, the Celebrant said “at the Beginning, the word of the Lord came to me, I ate it and ran with it,” in the Middle of the task, “I kept the word, made it plain, that he may run, who reads it, and finally at the Ending, “God’s words are Yea and Amen”.

In conclusion, Pastor Jonah Odugbose and his wife expressed appreciation and thanksgiving to God, saying “Every bit of the glory is returned to God Almighty. The sound mind and health which is outrightly divine, the peace of mind, the protection through the chills and rigor of ministry and administration in THE APOSTOLIC CHURCH, NIGERIA. 

“Remember, if God is for you, no One can be against you. To make your calling sure, Obedience should be total, there is no partial obedience, anything that falls short of total Obedience is disobedience”, Pastor Jonah Odugbose admonished.

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