
COLUMN : E-Reading, Easy Reading

Aisha Ademigbuji

The purpose of starting this column, as I mentioned in my first article, is to improve the reading culture for everyone. To encourage us to pick up a book and read something new at least once in a while.I remember having a conversation with one of my old friends who used to be an avid reader. Shortly after she gave birth, her reading frequency started dwindling until it was non-existent. Yes, we can all agree that taking care of a newborn is a full-time job; you won’t even have time for anything else because your focus will be on keeping the baby alive and healthy—tough job, I’d say.Another reason many people are not reading can be due to workload and stress; only a stress-free and healthy mind can assimilate what is being read. For some, it’s just adulting making things hard for them. This article is going to give you other ways to catch up with your favorite book without having to open an actual hardcover book. Walk with me.

My first encounter with a reading app was Goodreads because it’s free and easy to navigate. I used to be a fan of Nora Roberts, and I remember getting to work two hours before resumption time so that I could get some alone time to read her books. You can also access any book you’re reading wherever you are. Goodreads also offers quotes, networking with other readers, and so much more.

Another recent book app I tried was Headway. The marketing team did a good job in drawing people in with their smart lines and targeted copywriting. Imagine seeing “just 15 minutes a day reading can make you smart.” Seriously, who doesn’t want to be smart? I love how they compared the hours we put into scrolling away on Instagram to just dedicating a few minutes to reading a book. Interesting, right? One thing I also love about them is that there are a lot of self-help books available for you. The only thing I don’t like about them is that they charge for their service, which is fair enough because they’re running a business, not a charity.

For busy moms and people who are always on the move, I mean people who are too busy to even pick up a phone to read without being interrupted, one of the best options you can explore is audiobooks. They are available on sites like Goodreads, Apple Books, and public libraries. Another platform I highly recommend is YouTube. There are tons of audiobooks you can listen to while you do your chores, attend to your children, customers, or while you write that email.

The 21st century might be filled with technologies that draw us away from the actual hardback, but it also provides us with better and smarter replacements. All we have to do is use them. I would love to learn from you about your go-to app for reading. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me on 08132836284 (WhatsApp chat only).


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