A remarkable event unfolded in the heart of Abeokuta as Captain Idowu Isreal Kehinde, the Acting Commandant of the Royal Shepherd (R/S) Abeokuta Area Divisional Command, exchanged vows with his beloved bride, Kehinde Serah, in a ceremony adorned with paramilitary precision and spiritual fervor.
Gathered at the majestic Christ Apostolic Church Essien Regional Headquarters in Isale Ake, Abeokuta, on Saturday, May 18, 2024, were ministers, families, friends, and well-wishers, all witnesses to this unique matrimonial affair.
The holy matrimony, conducted under the auspices of the R/S of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, marked a significant milestone as the first-ever paramilitary wedding within the division’s history.
Amidst the ceremonial parade, the couple stood resolute, embarking on their journey of marital bliss within the sanctity of their faith.
Addressing the congregation during the solemnization service, Pastor S. B. Olatunde, Superintendent of the CAC Holy Ghost DCC, delivered a stirring sermon on the “Power of Loneliness.”
He implored Captain Kehinde to emulate Christ’s love for the church, emphasizing the sacred bond of marriage and the husband’s duty to nurture and protect his wife.
The superintendent stressed the importance of unity and prayer in marital harmony, cautioning against external influences that could jeopardize the sanctity of their union.
Acknowledging the couple’s dedication to their faith and community, Pastor Olatunde lauded the initiative to forge a marital bond within the church denomination, highlighting Captain Kehinde’s commitment to various church committees and departments alongside the bride’s active involvement in CAC Isale Ake.
The ceremony was further embellished with soul-stirring hymns by the choristers of CAC Isale Ake, Essien Regional Headquarters, and a special parade by The Royal Shepherds Abeokuta Area Divisional Command, honoring their esteemed Area Commandant.
Among the distinguished guests in attendance were Pastor A.A Oduronbi, Pastor N.A Idowu, Pastor Emmanuel, as well as family members, friends, and well-wishers from near and far.
Representatives from IAS Unique Homes and Properties, the Ace Crew, the National Gospel Ambassadors, and the National Association of Broadcasting also graced the occasion, underscoring the significance of this union within the broader community.
The festivities continued at the wedding reception, expertly hosted by Amb. Jethro Adekola, accompanied by soulful melodies courtesy of the C Sharp Praise Crew.
PLATFORM TIMES reports that as prayers resonated for the newlyweds, the atmosphere brimmed with joy and anticipation, heralding the dawn of a new chapter in the lives of Captain Kehinde and his bride, Kehinde Serah.
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