In a heartbreaking incident that unfolded in Malete, Moro local government area of Kwara State on Saturday, Rashidat Shittu, a 400-level student at Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete, committed suicide, allegedly due to her distressing academic situation.
According to sources, Rashidat chose to end her life by consuming a poisonous substance known as “sniper.” Following the desperate act, she was promptly rushed to the school clinic for immediate medical attention.
However, due to the severity of her condition, she was subsequently referred to the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), where she was declared dead upon arrival.
Colleagues of the deceased revealed that Rashidat had been grappling with academic challenges, and in the midst of her struggle, she confided in them about her decision to consume sniper.
The tragic incident underscores the intense pressure and mental health issues that some students face in the pursuit of academic success.
Regrettably, Rashidat Shittu has been laid to rest at the Muslim cemetery in Ilorin, marking a somber end to a life overshadowed by academic distress.
The incident prompts reflection on the need for increased awareness and support systems to address the mental well-being of students facing academic difficulties.
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