
Police Rescue Three Abducted Children, Arrest Reverend Sister and Others

Daud Olatunji


 In a dramatic turn of events, the Abia State Police Command has successfully rescued three abducted children from their captors in operations spanning Anambra and Delta States.

This was confirmed in a statement released on Saturday by ASP Maureen Chinaka, the command’s spokesperson.

PLATFORM TIMES reports that the  harrowing ordeal began on May 10, 2024, when a report was lodged about the abduction of three young boys: Gideon Osinachi, aged eight; Obioma Divine Osinachi, aged six; and Israel Osinachi, aged four.

The children were reportedly taken by an unidentified cyclist from Amoba Okoro village in Ikwuanno Local Government Area of Abia State.

The cyclist, hired by their grandmother to transport them home after a visit, instead kidnapped them.

The intensive investigation and rescue efforts, spanning over a month, culminated in the successful recovery of all three children.

The police statement detailed the meticulous operations: Obioma Divine Osinachi was rescued on May 21 in Ekwulobia, Anambra State.

Gideon Osinachi was rescued two days later on May 23 in Nkpor, Anambra State and Israel Osinachi was found on June 13 in Warri, Delta State.

ASP Chinaka expressed immense relief and joy, stating, “We are happy to announce that all three children have been rescued and reunited with their family.”

The rescue mission also led to the arrest of five suspects, including a Reverend Sister. Those apprehended include:Reverend Sister Pauline Alozie, Chizoba DJ, Glory Umuna, Mrs. Georgina Nonye Okoye and Philip Ibe.

These suspects were arrested at various locations including Amawbia and Nkpor in Anambra State, and Warri in Delta State.

They are currently in police custody and are expected to be charged in court soon.


The police command’s statement emphasized the importance of collaboration between law enforcement and the community, thanking all stakeholders who contributed to the successful rescue operations.

This incident highlights the vital role of public cooperation in tackling crime and ensuring the safety of citizens.

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