
Save Our Member, Family Cries Out As Bandits Threaten To Kill Another Hostage In Abuja Attack

Fawaz Adebisi

Families of the hostages abducted in the recent Abuja attack by bandits have launched a desperate plea for assistance from fellow Nigerians as the situation grows increasingly dire.

Among those held captive is Abdulazeez Bako, taken from his residence in the Kuduru extension of Bwari, Abuja, alongside six other community members on December 27, 2023.

The bandits, demanding a hefty ransom, initially requested 100 million naira from the families, later reducing it to 70 million naira.

Despite the families’ efforts to negotiate and meet their demands, the kidnappers remain resolute.

Tragically, on February 23, one hostage, Olayinka Ogunyemi, a civil engineer, was brutally executed by the abductors after the families failed to meet their demands.

Now, with one life already lost and others at risk, the bandits have issued a chilling ultimatum, threatening to murder the remaining captives, including a pregnant woman, a one-and-a-half-year-old boy, two siblings, and two men, if a ransom of 230 million naira is not paid promptly.

The family of Bako therefore urged Nigerians to help them financially to rescue him from the bandit’s den.

In the same vein, they provided, “account details: 0694056219, Access Bank, name: Dauda Oladipupo Haruna”, as their details for support.

The community, grappling with fear and helplessness, implored the federal government, law enforcement agencies, and the military to intensify rescue efforts.

They fear further loss of life and plead for swift action to secure the safe release of their loved ones.

With time running out and lives hanging in the balance, they urge compassion, unity, and decisive action to bring an end to this harrowing ordeal.

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