In a heartbreaking incident in Kwara State, Fasasi Afeez, a 49-year-old man, lost his life while attempting to rescue his son, Kaleed, from a well in Gaa Jongbo, Maselu village, Offa Local Government Area.
The 17-year-old boy, Kaleed, was drawing water from the well when tragedy struck – his leg slipped, causing him to fall into the well. In a desperate attempt to save his son, Afeez also slipped and tragically met his end in the same well.
The Kwara State Fire Service, as reported by Hassan Adekunle, the Head of Media and Publicity, issued a statement on Thursday confirming the devastating outcome. Afeez was declared dead upon retrieval from the well, while miraculously, Kaleed was successfully rescued.
The statement from Adekunle revealed, “Today, Thursday 22nd February 2024, a man of about 49-year-old called Mr Fasasi Afeez, his son, Kaleed Afeez, of Gaa Jangbo, Igbonna Road, Offa, Offa Local Government Area Kwara State, fell into a domestic well and we recovered the father dead while we were able to rescue the son alive at New Maselu Village, Offa.”
The incident unfolded around 4:11 pm, and the Kwara State Fire Service responded to the emergency call made by Alhaji Taiye Gadamosi, a resident in the neighborhood.
Despite the efforts of the firemen, Afeez could not be saved, and his lifeless body was handed over to a family member.
The statement explained, “Before the arrival of fire service, his father trying to rescue the victim in the process, his legs suddenly slipped off the ground and eventually tumbled down into the well too.”
Expressing sadness over the tragic event, Falade Olumuyiwa, the Director of Kwara State Fire Service, urged the public to exercise caution in their day-to-day activities.
He particularly advised against sending underage children to fetch water from domestic wells, emphasising the need for increased awareness and safety measures within communities.
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