
Zulum  Extends N100 Million Aid To Flood-Stricken Community In Borno

In a compassionate move to address the dual calamities of migrating elephants and relentless flooding, Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno State took swift action by providing financial assistance to over 10,000 families in the Kala-Balge Local Government Area.

The Kala-Balge communities, situated in the path of elephant migration routes from Cameroon’s Lagdo Dam shores to Lake Chad, faced severe challenges as the wild beasts devoured a significant portion of the annual farm produce.

This ongoing issue has consistently eroded the livelihoods of the majority of residents in the area.

Adding to their plight, this year saw the local government cut off from the rest of the state due to perennial flooding caused by discharges from the Cameroon Dam.

Residents found themselves isolated, unable to access other parts of the state for essential needs, exacerbating the already dire situation.

Governor Zulum, who could only reach the affected area by helicopter due to the challenging circumstances on the ground, hastened to the headquarters of the Kala-Balge LGA in Rann.

There, he coordinated the distribution of a substantial N100 million aid package to the affected families.

The beneficiaries of this aid included male heads of households, vulnerable women, and housewives, each receiving a cash sum of N10,000.

Governor Zulum, in a statement during the distribution, expressed the urgency and necessity of the intervention.

“We are here in Rann, headquarters of Kala-Balge, mainly to provide cash support to this community that was cut off from the rest of the country for the last 6 months as a result of flooding,” stated Governor Zulum.

While addressing the flooding issue, the governor remained silent on the havoc wrought by the migrating elephants, leaving room for speculation and concern about the broader ecological challenges posed by such wildlife disruptions.

The financial assistance extended by Governor Zulum is expected to provide a vital lifeline to the affected families, helping them rebuild their lives and overcome the hardships imposed by the convergence of these natural disasters.

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