
Controversy Erupts Over Appointment Of Clerk In Ogun  Assembly

...PASAN Threatens Show Down With Assembly Over Clerk Appointment

Daud Olatunji

Tensions are running high within the Ogun State House of Assembly as controversy surrounds the recent appointment of a Clerk, raising questions about adherence to legislative procedures and the integrity of the institution.

The saga began with the passage of an Amendment to the House of Assembly Service Commission Law on April 11th, 2024, which altered the remuneration of the Clerk and Deputy Clerks. 

However, despite the passage of this amendment, the position of Clerk remained vacant for exactly two months following the retirement of the former incumbent, Adedeji Adeyemo.

PLATFORM TIMES reports that the move by the speaker ,Daisi Elemide to foist a non-legislative staff on the Assembly has started generating ripples among the workers .

It was also gathered that to the surprise and dismay of lawmakers and staff alike, someone from outside the House of Assembly had been appointed to assume the role of Clerk. 

PLATFORM TIMES further reports that this purported  appointment, which flouts the provisions of the House of Assembly Service Commission (Amendment) Law, 2024, has sparked  tension among staff members, whose career progression now hangs in the balance.

Meanwhile, the National Leadership of the Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria (PASAN) has raised the  alarm over the appointment of the Clerk to the  Assembly by the Executive, warning of potential repercussions if the decision is not reversed.

In a letter addressed to both governor Dapo Abiodun and  the Speaker, obtained by PLATFORM TIMES , PASAN expressed grave concerns regarding the appointment of an external candidate to the position of Clerk.

The body said the move  contravenes the provisions of the Ogun State Service Commission Act (2024). 

According to PASAN, the Act stipulates that the most Senior Deputy Clerk within the Assembly should assume the role of Clerk.

PASAN emphasized the importance of appointing individuals with legislative experience to such critical positions, highlighting the potential risks associated with bringing in an outsider. 

The Union argued that this move not only undermines the career progression of Assembly staff but also compromises the autonomy and integrity of the legislative institution.

Consequently, PASAN issued a stern warning, stating that if the appointment is allowed to proceed, the Union will have no choice but to stage a revolt, resulting in a total shutdown of the Assembly. 

The Union made it clear that no legislative activities would be permitted until the matter is addressed satisfactorily.

The letter signed by the  National President,Comrade Mohammed Usman National President, read “The National Secretariat is in receipt of a letter regarding the appointment of the Clerk to the Ogun State House of Assembly from outside the Assembly by the Executive.

“This act is contrary to the provisions of Ogun State Service Commission Act (2024) Section (12) (1) (a) as amended which states that the most Senior Deputy Clerk shall assume this role. 

“This act will not only bring in someone without legislative experience, but will also jeopardize the career progression of the staff of the Assembly and expose the Assembly to external influence to render the institution as dependant while it is suppose to be autonomous.

“In the light of the above, the Leadership of the Union frowns at this development and strongly advises that this should be discarded.

“The Union will be left with no option than to revolt against this development if it is allowed to take place and that will lead to a total shut down of the Assembly and no Legislative activities will be allowed by the Union.

“The Union vehemently kick against this act.”

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