
No Money Stolen In Armed Robbery Attack On Military Vehicle

Contrary to initial narratives, the Nigerian Army has said  that no money was stolen during the attack.on one of its military vehicles in Benin, Edo State.


The Nigerian Army responded to media reports regarding an attack in a recent incident in Benin which occurred on Wednesday, August 23, 2023.


The Assistant Director of Army Public Relations, Yemi Sokoya, and also the Public Relations Officer of the 4 Brigade of the Nigerian Army in Benin, released an official statement on Friday to address the inaccurate portrayal of the incident.


According to Sokoya, a clerk from the 4 Brigade Finance office and a driver had ventured into town for the purpose of fixing an office printer and collecting a bank statement from WEMA bank. 


The attack occurred on Akpakpava road, where armed assailants in a red Toyota Camry targeted the military hilux vehicle.


 The assailants opened fire on the vehicle, apparently under the assumption that it contained valuable cargo. Tragically, the driver was hit by bullets and succumbed to his injuries.


However, the Nigerian Army spokesperson emphasized that the vehicle was actually empty at the time of the attack. 


The armed robbers, likely having trailed the vehicle, realized their mistake when they discovered the absence of any valuable items. 


They swiftly fled the scene, leaving behind a tragic loss of life.


It was noted that various reports had inaccurately suggested that the armed robbers made off with a substantial amount of cash in a Ghana-Must-Go bag. 


The Nigerian Army vehemently refuted these claims, asserting that no money was involved in the incident.


Efforts are currently underway, in collaboration with other security agencies, to track down and apprehend the suspects responsible for this attack. 


The Nigerian Army remains committed to upholding security and ensuring accurate information dissemination in the face of such incidents.


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