
Ogun Residents Kick As 84 Properties Marked For Demolition : Egba Chief Defends Move For Development

Sodiq Mojibola

A wave of discontent washes over communities in Abeokuta as the specter of demolition looms large over 84 properties, triggering outcry and accusations of callousness.

PLATFORM TIMES reports that what was meant to be a step towards development has morphed into a battleground of grievances and apprehensions.

In the heart of the conflict lies a notice, ominously plastered on the walls of homes, shops, and religious establishments.

 Describing the targeted structures as “illegal and dilapidated,” the notice forewarns of imminent demolition, purportedly to pave the way for progress and logistical ease.

The affected communities, including Itoku market, Igbore/Igbein, and Imo township, are up in arms against what they perceive as an arbitrary and unjust act. 

Residents, mobilizing in defiance, decry the planned demolition as a blatant disregard for their welfare, orchestrated for the benefit of a select few.

Venting their frustrations, residents lament the potential upheaval and loss that awaits them if the demolition proceeds as planned.

 Overwhelmed by uncertainty and fear, they seek intervention to halt the impending disaster looming over their homes and livelihoods.

 Adepoju Kazeem, a concerned stakeholder, sheds light on the project’s murky past, revealing its genesis as a private endeavor spearheaded by Balogun Egba, Alhaji Sikiru Atobatele.

PLATFORM TIMES gathered that initially conceived in 2022 to facilitate the construction of a borehole on Atobatele’s property, the project was met with resistance over concerns of inadequate compensation for affected residents.

In response to the mounting allegations, Balogun Egba refutes any involvement in the demolition, shifting the blame onto local government authorities. 

Despite his denials, the aggrieved residents remain unconvinced, demanding accountability and redress for their grievances.

Amidst the turmoil, an Egba Chief, Shuaib Aro, steps forward to defend the project, framing it as a vital step towards community development and safety.

 Emphasizing the importance of infrastructure, he underscores the need for cooperation and understanding among residents.

Aro, said “What they are asking to do is to give little space for the construct, and it’s for their own benefit. There was a fire outbreak in Itoku at a time that we couldn’t control.

“It is a community development project. People should be ready because it’s for their own benefit. 

“We know the importance of road and I think we need to educate our people. I don’t think anybody’s house will be demolished, we only asked them to give a path way so that vehicle can be able to pass through.

“All affected areas gave been marked three years ago. The community development council is involved. The Balogun of Egba invited all of them to the council of chiefs meeting, I was invited to address them and we did.

“We have been mobilizing and educating them but they failed to heed, it’s not an important project.

“Balogun Egba facilitated the construction of the town hall.”

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